
沃特世Waters 201000281 氘燈 2489檢測器 色譜配件

ACQUITY PDA/TUV 2489/2998 PERFORMANCE MAINTENANCE KIT [201000281]The Waters? Performance Maintenance Kit for the ACQUITY UPLC TUV/PDA contains all of the Waters Quality Parts? necessary to keep your i

  • 品牌: 沃特世Waters
  • 型號: 201000281
  • 其他型號:


The Waters? Performance Maintenance Kit for the ACQUITY UPLC TUV/PDA contains all of the Waters Quality Parts? necessary to keep your instrument operating at peak performance on an annual basis. It is used in ACQUITY UPLC PDA Detectors, ACQUITY eLambda PDA Detector, ACQUITY UPLC TUV Detectors, 2489 Dual Wavelength UV Detector and the 2998 PDA Detector. The old part number was 201000186. The Waters? Performance Maintenance Kit includes the following parts: PerformancePLUS? Long Life Lamp which is warranted for a lifetime of 2000 hours or 1 year, whichever comes first.
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